Useful Links

Useful Links

Park Hill Primary


For Parents

At Park Hill, we want to support parents in helping their children stay safe in the online world. The best way for parents  and carers to support their children in staying safe is to have open, honest conversations with  them. For help and advice,  see the following resources:


If you are concerned about a child being abused or exploited online...

You can report it to CEOP, the Child Online Exploitation and Protection Command of the National Crime Agency.

You will be asked to provide contact information and details about your concerns, which will then be followed up by one of their Child Protection Advisors.

This should also be reported to the head teacher.


If you are concerned about cyber-bullying...

The best way to deal with this is through the school, who will investigate and support children and families.

Children should also be made aware of ChildLine's advice service, which is available by telephone on 08001111 and online at

If you would like some personalised support in keeping children safe online, the school leadership or Mrs Jassal (our IT leader) are always happy to meet with parents and carers and can be contacted via the school office.