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Park Hill Primary

Governing Body

The governing body of Park Hill is actively involved on a strategic level in all aspects of school life.

Each term, full governing body meetings and committee meetings are held. The governing body always welcomes informal or formal conversations with parents concerning the well-being of their children.

Governing Body 2023-24

 Parent Governors:

Tauqeer Adris

Lorna Shaw (Pupil Premium link governor)

Affi Agbodo

Graham Watson (Safeguarding, LAC & P-LAC governor)

Sahar Ashraf


Co-opted Governors:


Shalabh Agarwal


Local Authority Governor:

Lorna Shaw (Chair, EYFS and Health & Safety link governor)

Head Teacher:

Kalsom Khan

Staff Governor:

Imogen Marsden (Teacher)

Associate Governors:


Rich Malcolm (Deputy Head Teacher – Attainment and Achievement committee).


For the register of governors' business interests please click HERE 2022 - 2023

For the register of governor's business interests 2023 - 2024 click here:
