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Park Hill Primary


What is music?  

Music is about understanding, appreciating, creating and performing music.

Why do we learn about music?  

Learning music helps us in the use of imagination, creativity, aesthetic sensitivity and expression. 

 Music Policy

Park Hill’s vision for music is to provide every child with high-quality music experiences.  Through creating, composing, performing and enjoying a variety of music styles, we aim for every child to leave our school with a range of musical skills and a love of music.

The Charanga scheme of work is used from EYFS – Year 6 to ensure a wide exposure to different genres of music, with lots of practical opportunities to explore, and develop, as musicians and singers


As a school, we also enjoy working with musicians in the wider community and, we welcome local musicians into school to work with the children. In previous years, the children have enjoyed African drumming, musicians from KES and the CBSO.


At Park Hill, we intend to provide children with opportunities to listen to, compose and perform music.

We aim to equip them with the following skills:

  • Broaden children’s musical awareness and foster an appreciation of music from different times and cultures.
  • Ensuring progression of musical skills involved in performing, composing, listening and appraising.
  • Involve every pupil in music making and enable them to realise their individual creative potential.


We teach music weekly at Park Hill. The class teacher teaches each lesson and uses the Charanga scheme of work to deliver the curriculum. Focusing on the dimensions of music (pulse, pitch, dynamics, rhythm, texture and tempo) and listening to, improvising, singing and composing music.


Our Music Curriculum is high quality and well-thought-out and planned to demonstrate progression. In addition, we measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:

  • Listening to music from a long range of genres to gain inspiration and analytical skills. Music appreciation is also interwoven in all aspects of the curriculum
  • Having equal opportunities for all pupils.
  • Singing in weekly assemblies.
  • Pupil discussions about their learning through Pupil Conferencing.
  • Pupils working in mixed-ability groups to develop leadership, responsibility and confidence.

Key vocabulary

Texture      -  different way sounds are combined ( solo, duet, light, heavy)

Timbre   -   ( different kinds of sound, e.g wood, metal etc )


Programme of study in EYFS


  • Children will experiment with making sounds (voice and percussion).
  • Explore and experiment with untuned and body percussion.
  •  Practise improvising using voice and untuned instruments/body percussion through copy-back and answer games, etc.
  • Start to sing simple songs, nursery rhymes and chants holding a melody line.


Programme of Study in Music

Key Stage One


  1. Pupils should be taught how to
  • use their voices expressively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes.
  • play tuned and untuned instruments.
  • rehearse and perform with others (for example, starting and finishing together, keeping to a steady pulse).


Creating and developing musical ideas - composing skills

  1. Pupils should be taught how to
  • create musical patterns.
  • explore, choose and organise sounds and musical ideas.


Responding and reviewing - appraising skills

  1. Pupils should be taught how to
  • explore and express their ideas
  • make improvements to their own work.


Lots of opportunities for listening, and applying knowledge and understanding

Key Stage 2

  Creating and developing musical ideas - composing skills

  • improvise, developing rhythmic and melodic material when performing.
  • explore, choose, combine and organise musical ideas within musical structures.


Responding and reviewing - appraising

  • explore and explain their own ideas and feelings
  • improve their own and others' work in relation to its intended effect.


Listening, and applying knowledge and understanding

  • listen with attention to detail and to internalise and recall sounds with increasing aural memory.
  • how music is produced in different ways ICT) and described through relevant established and invented notations.
  • how time and place can influence the way music is created, performed and heard (for example, the effect of occasion and venue).
  • Breadth of study
  • using ICT to capture, change and combine sounds

working on their own, in groups of different sizes and as a class.

  • .listening to a range of live and recorded music from different times and cultures