Useful Links

Useful Links

Park Hill Primary



RHE stands for Relationships and Health Education 

Why we teach RHE? 

i. so that children grow up to be healthy, happy, safe and able to manage the challenges of living in modern Britain. 

ii. so that children know what a positive relationship is, what a friendship is, what family means and who can support you, how to treat each other with kindness, consideration and respect and how to manage conflict.

R.H.E. Policy

The Birmingham Approach 


Inclusion Week  

Inclusion Book List  

Well-being Week 

Drugs awareness  sample lesson - year 1 

Drugs awareness sample lesson - year 2 

Drugs awareness sample lesson - year 3  

Drugs awareness sample lesson - year 4 

Drugs awareness sample lesson - year 5 

Drugs awareness sample lesson - year 6