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Park Hill Primary

Year 2 Whole Curriculum Overview 2024-25

YEAR 2 CURRICULUM – 2024 - 25

See English and Maths for year 2 content in these subjects






White Rose Scheme

Biology - Animals' needs for survival

Biology - Humans

Chemistry - Materials

Sustainability - Plastics


Biology - Plants - Light & dark

Biology - Living things and their habitats


 Biology - Plants: bulbs & seeds

Biology - Growing up

Sustainability - Wildlife




Who were Guy Fawkes and Joseph Chamberlain & should we remember them?

What did Mary Seacole & Rosa Parks do that we still remember them today?

What adventures did Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong have?


What are the similarities & differences between the Islands of Coll & Tobago?

How do we use maps around our school & locality?

Who in the world plays cricket at Edgbaston?


‘Switched On’

Rising Stars Scheme


Programming on screen in ScratchJr


Using logic and reasoning to understand games rules and simple coding


Taking, selecting and editing digital images


Developing research skills through searching for information on the Internet


Planning, filming, reviewing and editing a stop-motion animation


Using a computer to collect information and create a presentation


Charanga Scheme

Hands, Feet, Heart - Afropop, South African style of pulse, rhythm & pitch



Ho, Ho, Ho – rapping with a Christmas theme, high/low sounds, rhythm & pitch

I Wanna Play in a Band – Rock - Teamwork, working together. The Beatles. Historical context of musical styles


Zootime – Reggae - Animals, poetry and the historical context of musical styles

Friendship Song – learning a song – rhythm, pulse & pitch



Reflect, Rewind & Replay – Classical - the history of music in context, listen to Western Classical music and place the music from the units worked through, in their correct time and space. Consolidate the foundations of the language of music


Complete P.E resource Scheme

Ball skills - Hands 2

Locomotion - Dodging

Gymnastics: Linking & Pathways

Ball skills - Hands 1

Dance – Explorers & Water

Locomotion – Jumping 1

Games – Understanding attack & defence

Team Building

Health & well-being



Establishing a Positive Classroom Environment


Introduction to Feelings

Feelings & Behaviours

Self-Control & Anger Management


Anger Management & Problem-Solving

Friendship & Feeling Lonely

Manners & Listening to Others





Painting – colour mixing in abstract art and the work of famous artists


Artists: Piet Mondrian, Mark Rothko, Paul Klee, Jackson Pollock, Wassily Kandinsky,  Robert Delaunay

Drawing – developing proficiency & understanding of line, shape, texture in different media


Collage – exploring techniques using different materials – torn & cut



Sculpture – abstract sculpture



 Artists: Antony Gormley & Henry Moore


Food Technology – Comparing breakfasts – Fruit salad & porridge

Structures – joining and strengthening materials – modelling human feature structures

Mechanisms – Axles and wheels – making Pakistani decorative buses


Birmingham Agreed Syllabus

Living By Rules


Being Temperate, Exercising Self Discipline and Cultivating Serene Contentment


Responding to Suffering


Sharing and Being Generous

Creating Unity and Harmony


Participating and Willing to Lead


Caring for Others, Animals and the Environment


Being Merciful and Forgiving

Being attentive to the sacred as well as the precious


Being Reflective and Self Critical


Being Imaginative and Explorative


Appreciating Beauty