Useful Links

Useful Links

Park Hill Primary

Year 5 Whole Curriculum Overview 2024-25

YEAR 5 CURRICULUM – 2024 - 25

See English and Maths to see year 5 content in these subjects






 Physics - Forces

Physics - Space

Sustainability - Global warming


Chemistry - Properties of materials

Biology - Animals including humans 

Biology - Life cycles 


Biology - Reproduction 

Chemistry - Reversible and irreversible changes

Sustainability - Plastic pollution



How did the Second World War impact families & life in our area?

How did Birmingham become a diverse city and what was the impact?

What was the legacy of the Ancient Greek Civilisation?


How is land used in Bournville & how has it changed?

What are the main threats to our environment? The human impact on our planet

What are some of the key geographical features of North America & how do they compare with a UK and European locality?


‘Switched On’

Rising Stars Scheme


Developing an interactive game using sequence, selection, repetition and variables


Code-breaking - using semaphore and Morse code understanding encryption


Creating a virtual space developing familiarity with a simple CAD tool & exploring a

 3-D environment


Developing a website



Creating an interactive, multimedia adventure game


Experimenting with virtual and augmented reality



Charanga Scheme

Livin' On A Prayer

Style: Rock

Topic and cross-curricular links: How Rock music developed from the Beatles onwards. Analysing performance.

Classroom Jazz 1

Style: Jazz

Topic and cross-curricular links: History of music - Jazz in its historical context.

Make You Feel My Love

Style: Pop Ballads

Topic and cross-curricular links: Historical context for ballads.


Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air

Style: Hip Hop

Topic and cross-curricular links: Option to make up (compose) own rap or words to the existing rap, that could link to any topic in school, graffiti art, literacy, breakdancing and 80s Hip Hop culture in general. Historical context of musical styles.

Dancing In The Street

Style: Motown

Topic and cross-curricular links: The history of Motown and its importance in the development of Popular music. Civil rights.


Reflect, Rewind and Replay

Style: Western Classical music and your choice from Year 5

Topic and cross-curricular links: Think about the history of music in context, listen to some Western Classical music and place the music from the units you have worked through, in their correct time and space. Consolidate the foundations of the language of music.


Complete P.E resource Scheme


Gymnastics - Counter balance and counter tension

Invasion Games - Football


Invasion Games - Netball

Health related exercise

Games – Invasion games: Tag Rugby & Hockey


Net Games - Badminton

O.A.A – Orienteering



Athletics – Running

Games – Striking & fielding: Rounders and cricket

Dance - Greeks




Getting Started and Introduction


Managing feelings and anger

Goals and identity


Making and keeping friends

Being responsible and caring for others

MFL – Spanish

La Jolie Ronde Scheme

The High street-Appreciate similarities and differences between Spanish and English high streets.

Directions- Memorise and present two or three sentences describing a high street.

The High Street: Asking for places and understanding basic direction

Lessons 8- 14

Members of the family- present a short role play

introducing family members, asking

and answering questions

Ask and answer questions about family members- acquire cultural knowledge about family life in Spain/re-order words to form a short, simple sentence

Pets- understand simple rules for converting singular nouns into plurals

Revision- read some familiar words and

phrases aloud with accurate

pronunciation/ write simple sentences, adapting

a model

Easter theme- write simple words and phrases using a model and some words from memory

Lessons 15-20

Become familiar with the layout of

a simple bilingual dictionary

Hobbies- Identify a common sound in a list of verbs/ read and understand a short paragraph with familiar vocabulary and structures

Follow and understand an interview between two speakers talking about hobbies

Transport- know the names of some major airports and ports in Spain/ see images from Spanish cities

Weather expressions- understand different possibilities for travelling abroad

Clothes items for packing a suitcase- pack an imaginary suitcase for a holiday, labelling a drawing


Painting – Still life and composition

Surrealism Collage - creating collage with a variety of media, e.g. paper and magazines - using varied techniques, e.g. overlapping, tessellation, mosaic and montage.

Sculpture – Greek sculpture


Structures - Bridges

Food technology – ingredient sourcing

Mechanisms - Gears, levers & pulleys


Birmingham Agreed Syllabus

Caring for others: animals and the environment


Creativity – sharing and being generous


Being loyal & steadfast


Being hopeful & visionary

Being open honest & truthful

 Being attentive to the sacred as well as the transcendent

Compassion – Being Merciful & Forgiving

 Participating and willing to lead

Being modest and listening to others

Being temperate, self-disciplined and seeking contentment 


Being accountable and living with integrity 

Being thankful

Being imaginative and explorative